Shopify Website Designer vs. Templates: Choosing the Right Fit for Your Business

Amy Smith
5 min readMay 23, 2024
Shopify Website Designer vs. Templates

Congratulations on taking the leap to open a Shopify store! Now comes the exciting part: designing your online storefront. This is where your brand personality comes to life, and where you’ll convert visitors into customers. But with so many options, deciding between Shopify website designer and templates can be tricky.

This blog will guide you through the pros and cons of each approach, helping you find the perfect fit for your business’s needs and budget.

Shopify Website Templates: A Quick and Easy Start

Shopify offers a vast library of website templates. These pre-designed layouts are a great option for businesses on a tight budget or short timeline.

Pros of Shopify Templates:

  • Cost-effective: Templates are significantly cheaper than hiring a designer.
  • Easy to use: No coding knowledge required. Just drag, drop, and customize with your brand elements.
  • Fast turnaround: Get your store up and running quickly.
  • Variety of styles: Choose from a wide range of designs to match your brand aesthetic.

Cons of Shopify Templates:

  • Limited customization: Templates offer some flexibility, but you can’t achieve a truly unique look. Your store might look similar to others using the same template.
  • Less control over functionality: You might be limited by the template’s built-in features.
  • Design expertise needed: While easy to use, some design knowledge is helpful to make your template look professional.

Here are some questions to ask yourself before choosing a Shopify template:

  • Do I have a clear brand identity?
  • Am I comfortable with basic design principles?
  • Is my product range well-defined?

Beyond the Shopify Theme Store:

While the Shopify theme store offers a great selection, consider exploring popular marketplaces like ThemeForest or Envato Elements for a wider variety of templates. However, be sure to prioritize themes with good reviews, mobile-friendliness, and responsiveness (meaning they adjust to different screen sizes).

Shopify Website Designer: A Tailored Approach

Shopify website designer are professionals who specialize in creating custom storefronts. They work closely with you to understand your brand vision and develop a website that reflects your unique style and needs.

Pros of Shopify Website Designer:

  • Unique and professional design: Get a website that stands out from the crowd and reflects your brand perfectly.
  • Full customization: Control every aspect of your website’s look, feel, and functionality.
  • Conversion-focused design: Designers prioritize user experience to maximize sales.
  • Expert guidance: Benefit from a designer’s knowledge and experience to create a high-performing store.

Cons of Shopify Website Designer:

  • Higher cost: Hiring a designer is a bigger investment than using a template.
  • Longer turnaround time: Custom design takes time to develop and refine.
  • Finding the right fit: Finding a designer who understands your vision is crucial.

Here are some questions to ask yourself before hiring a Shopify website designer:

  • Do I have a clear vision for my brand identity?
  • Am I comfortable with a larger upfront investment?
  • Do I need a website with specific features or functionalities?

The Design Process:

The design process typically involves several stages. First, you’ll discuss your brand vision, target audience, and desired functionalities with the designer. Then, they’ll develop mockups for your approval, allowing you to provide feedback and refine the design. Finally, the designer will code and implement the final design on your Shopify store.

Communication is Key:

To ensure a smooth collaboration, clearly communicate your brand voice, target audience, and any specific design preferences you might have. Provide the designer with examples of websites you like and avoid being overly vague with your expectations.

The Cost of Shopify Website Design

The cost of Shopify website design can vary depending on several factors:

  • Project Complexity: Simple websites with basic functionalities will cost less than those with complex features or custom integrations.
  • Designer Experience: More experienced designers typically charge higher rates than those starting out.
  • Location: Design rates can vary based on the designer’s geographical location.

As a general estimate, expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 or more for a custom Shopify website design.

Additional Costs to Consider:

Keep in mind that website design might not be the only expense. You might also need to factor in costs for:

Copywriting: Compelling product descriptions and website content can significantly impact sales. Consider hiring a copywriter.

Photography: High-quality product photos are essential for building trust and showcasing your products effectively.

Ongoing Maintenance: Shopify stores require occasional updates for security, bug fixes, and new features. You can handle this yourself with templates, but a designer can provide ongoing support for custom websites.

Keeping your Shopify website updated is crucial for its success.

Here’s why:

  • Why Updates Matter: Outdated websites can appear unprofessional, deter customers, and have security vulnerabilities. Search engines also favor websites that are regularly updated with fresh content.
  • Maintaining a Template Website: For template users, maintaining your website involves updating product information, running promotions, installing essential apps, and backing up your store data regularly. Thankfully, Shopify offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to handle these tasks yourself.
  • Benefits of Ongoing Designer Support: Having a designer handle maintenance tasks like plugin updates, security patches, and theme customizations can free up your valuable time to focus on running your business. Additionally, designers can provide ongoing consultations to review your website analytics, suggest improvements, and keep your website fresh and competitive in the ever-evolving eCommerce landscape.

Success Stories

Let’s look at some examples of Shopify stores with exceptional design:

Brand: MVMT Watches (

  • Industry: Fashion
  • Design Success: MVMT’s website features a clean and minimalist aesthetic that perfectly reflects their brand image. High-quality product photography showcases their watches in a sophisticated light, and the user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making the buying process a breeze.

Brand: Deathwish Coffee (

  • Industry: Food and Beverage
  • Design Success: Deathwish Coffee’s website embraces a bold and dark aesthetic that aligns perfectly with their edgy brand personality. The website is packed with humorous content and video testimonials, creating a fun and engaging user experience. The clear calls to action make it easy for customers to find the perfect cup of joe.

Brand: Beardbrand (

  • Industry: Men’s Grooming
  • Design Success: Beardbrand’s website exudes a rugged and masculine feel, perfectly suited to their target audience. The website features high-quality lifestyle photography and informative blog posts that showcase their products in a helpful and engaging way. The clear product categorization and intuitive search function make it easy for customers to find the beard care products they need.

These are just a few examples, and there are countless other successful Shopify stores out there. By analyzing what makes their design successful, you can gain valuable insights to apply to your own online store.


Choosing between Shopify website designers and templates depends on your unique needs and budget. Carefully consider the pros and cons of each approach to determine the best fit for your business. Remember, your website is the face of your brand online, so invest the time and resources to create a beautiful and user-friendly storefront that converts visitors into customers.

Ready to take the next step? Explore Shopify’s theme store or research qualified Shopify website designers to bring your dream online store to life!



Amy Smith

Amy is the content manager at PROS — Internet Marketing & Technology Company in San Diego